A new treatment for septal perforations?

Nasal septal perorations are notoriously difficult to close surgically and can be extremely symptomatic and debilitating for the patient. This paper describes the use of carvacrol (a monoterpene phenol of the family Lamiacaea which is often found in essential oils)....

Should we do septoplasty in young adults/adolescents?

Nasal obstruction is a common complaint in both children and adults in the outpatient department. Causes for obstruction include allergic rhinitis, septal deviation, turbinate hypertrophy and chronic sinusitis with or without nasal polyps. For symptomatic patients with moderate to severe...

Blocked nose in children with allergic rhinitis

Nasal obstruction is a classic symptom in children with allergic rhinitis. While the nasal obstructive disorders including septal deformity, turbinate hyperplasia and adenoidal enlargement are widely recognised in adult nasal blockage, their relationship with paediatric allergic rhinitis however, is scarcely...

Back to basics: nasendoscopy beats CT, again!

There are few otolaryngologists (or patients) who have not been confronted with a computed tomography scan referring to a deviated septum. In a very similar way to the accidental findings of sinus mucosal thickening, the clinician is left in a...